Friday, October 8, 2010

Forgotten Images

I see from the reviewing the posting that Mark's sister, Anne, did that she left out one very important adventure that she and Mark embarked upon. We were out to dinner and the waiter suggested they try a local delicasy. I opted out of this one, but Anne trusted Mark and gave it a try. He had had the dish before and told her it was good. Anne was such a brave sole that evening. First she joined in on the Tequilla Train with Mark and then this! Yes, those are what you think they are......ANT EGGS!!!! They were served cooked and piled high on the plate. Mark and Anne put some in a tortilla, added guacamole, a little salsa verde, top it off with a squeeze of lime juice, and ........ Crunch! Yuuuuummmmmmy, or somthing like that! I guess with enough tequilla in you and your brother at your side, in a wonderful setting, you'll try anything!

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