Tuesday, December 21, 2010


Sorry about the lack of information for the past couple of weeks. My father passed away on the 13th of November and we went back to my Mom's and sister's in New York. We stayed there through the Thanksgiving holiday.
We rented a house in Old Forge for a vacation they following week of Thanksgiving.. Mark and I spent a few days alone there and we went shopping and walking and enjoyed the scenery. We evenspent a day iin Lake Placid. Hethter and Andy were able to come up a couple days later It was so nice to have a get away vacation with them, it had been a while since we had been on vacation together. My sister, Karen, her husband, Ed, and my mom came up for to share our Thanksgiving meal with us. It was very relaxing and the dinner was tastely.
The cabin was of true adirondack style complete witha very warm wood burning fireplace. The wood furniture was of typical birch bark construction. It was very cozy.
After our company left, we tried to drive to Lake Placid one day to ride the bobsleds on the Olympic bobsled run, but......Too much snow!!! We drove for 1 hour and made it about 10 miles, if that. Mark could not see out the windshield, it was beautiful lake effect snow. We had to turn around. We spent the day walking , playing games, and really catching up with the kids. We walked in the snow and had exciting snowball fight. It turned out to be an absolutely lovely day. The snow was beautiful and the company wa awesome!
We traveled back to Mexico for a couple weeks. It was a quick couple weeks at that! I spent one of them running around with a few of the women from the newcomers club doing Christmas shopping. And then we came home on the 16th or so. Mark had to be Santa at his company's children's christmas party and I had a wonderful visitor! Karen flew in on Friday and early Satuyrday morning we drove up to Toledo for my neice's graduation for the University if Toledo. It was so wonderful watching her receive that diploma, she had worked so hard and thorugh so much to get there. What a proud day! We had luch with her, Tina, Ben, Emily and Keith.
As if that weren't enough we got to meet and have dinner with Andy's girlfriend. It wasa very pleasant evenngn and she is a wonderful and pretty girl. Then I got a call from Heather! There is a boyfriend now in the picture! I guess all Mark and I had to do was leave the country for the both kids! I am so glad they are happy and enjoying life.
We will spend Christmas here wiuth both kids. I will leave on Monday or Tuesday to drive Heahter back home, visit with my mom and also get to see my Aunt and Uncle. Who knows, I might even get to see my cousins!
Mark will head back to Mexico on the 2nd and I will stay here as he has to be back in Mason around teh 7th or 9th of January, I thik this will be my last rip home for a while. I need to get a lot more Spanish learning in and I cannot do that if I keep leaving.

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