Thursday, March 17, 2011

Michoacan and Agua Blanca

We took a Drive to Michoacan for a trip to the butterfly sanctuary. The drive went through RURAL Mexico. Half of the drive the GPS didn't even show that we were on a road. Yes, we were a bit timid, Mark had money in his sock and I had my phone in my bra!! as some areas of Michoacan are sketchy. We were told that where we were headed was perfectly fine and a group of our friends had done it two weekend earlier and all was well. Heather co-piloted for Mark as Lynda put finishing touches on some mittens. As we made our last turn and headed down the driveway to our hotel, and yes, I mean down..........
down a canyon! As you see form the pictures that were taken from inside the car there was not much distance between our car and the edge of the road. And yes, this is a two way road! Heaven forbid you meet the cement truck we followed as you came the other way!! Thank goodness we did not have to pass by anyone! Off the edge of the road is sheer cliff edge! You can see the river that created the canyon...
Mark was laughing, I think out of fear, all the way down the canyon

Play the video at the end off this blog post, it was taken as Mark was driving.

This is the river that created the canyon. I guess in the rainy season the water really moves.

You can see from this photo the fence in place to guard us from falling off!!
Barbed wire???!!
When we got down the canyon we were welcomed by our hosts at a beautiful and serene little 'hotel'. It was beautifully landscaped and had its own cantina sort of bar area. It had ping pong, pool, ladder golf etc. Our room included our meals. I think they really did not have a choice as you had no choice of where to eat. this hotel was in the middle of nowhere. But relaxing it was!!

This was our room. The bedspreads were pink and the walls white, the sunshine made the whole room look pink. We had a doorway out to our own little private lawn area. It is hard to describe the lay out, but it was cute. Looks a lot like Goldilocks with Papa Bear, Mama Bear and Baby bear's bed! The room was decorated very Mexican and we had plenty of room for the three of us

This is the ceiling of the room, it was stenciled to match the rest of the stenciling around the room.

Even the door to the bathroom was stenciled.

Then there was the pool! It was drained and filled each evening. Filled by a hot spring!

Heather enjoy- ing her feet taking a dip in the the nice warm water! Cantina in the back
on your right, hotel on the left.

The view of the pool from the end where Heather was sitting. Below was a lawn of nice green grass. One evening they set out mats and we layed out there watching the stars. The hotel had hiking trails, a few waterfalls and acres of property. We had a most relaxing evening enjoying each others company totally out of touch from reality. As some of you realized, we were out of reach of

all technological gadgetry totally removed from reality. How relaxing!

Don't forget to watch this lovely driving video!!

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