Sunday, August 29, 2010

Hola from Mark

Hola everyone.
This is the first time I have ever blogged!!!
I see in the Blog you are getting a good feel for life around Queretaro. It really is a beautiful city but I question if you are really getting a feel for Mexican Life.
Just to give you a little bit of a feel for things I will detail my story form last week. Lynda was up in New york with her mom, and I was alone down in Quertaro.

Wake up Tuesday morning to the sound of my blackberry going off. Note it is pointless to use a normal alarm clock as the power goes out at least once a day. I go in to take my shower ------ Hmmmmm cant seem to get any hot water. Now I am running late, but I am quite awake.

Make a quick cup of coffee and grab a granola bar. Note to self when I get home I have to figure out why I have no hot water. Go to work all day (This really needs to be the subject of a future blog)
Come home starved. Have to make some dinner. Decide on one of my personal favorites, a huge egg fritata. Pop open a beer, Cut up some roast chicken left overs put them in the fry pan , put in some frozen veggies ( Note: only Lynda has learned the proper fresh veggie cleaning technique Mexican style), Chop up some bacon, and some sun dried tomatoes , Get out the cheese, Scramble three eggs in a bowl, Oh this is going to be good, Pop open a beer, go to start cooking, No flame.
Hmm----- I think I now know why I had no hot water NO GAS!!! Oh well, Next note to self , find out how to get gas. Pop open another beer, and figure out what to do for dinner now.

Wed Morning: wake up, take a shower, Oh Yeah ,( note to self definitely have to figure out how you get Gas). Go to work, ask: How do you get gas. Oh it gets delivered, well that sounds easy. Oh but wait you have to actually be there to pay for it as it is delivered. What? I cant just have them bill me for it? Oh no you gringo. No checks either cash only. OK ,how much is it going to cost. Well that depends on how big is your tank and what neighborhood you live in. First of all I have no idea how big my tank is, I don't even know where my tank is, and whats this about the same gas costing more if you live in a nicer neighborhood. Oh my, we need to ensure the communists currently in office don't get wind of this spreading the wealth technique. (I surely will not invite them to read the blog) I am told its easy you just have your maid do it.
Hmm thinking to myself, OK do I let my maid who gets $7 per day know that I have all kinds of cash in the house so she can pay an unknown amount when gas is delivered, do I take a day off from work and wait for the gas to be delivered, or do I tough it out?
Pretty simple answer, Tough it out cold showers ever day and microwaved meals for a week no problem.
Finally Saturday arrives!!! I am home believe it or not they said your gas will be delivered between 6:00AM and 12:00 on a Sat Morning. Ding Dong 6:30 AM goes the door bell the gas man cometh and I was glad!!! Three men come put a step ladder up the side of the house drag this huge hose up to the roof and fill the tank!!! A couple thousand pesos and presto we have hot water. I am in my glory as warmth streams over my body until a sudden shiver hit me.
How do I know when I am running out of Gas again.
So goes the trials of this stranger in a strange land.
Tu Amigo en Mexico

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