Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Monday August 2, 2010
Delores Hildalgo is a town known for Talavera pottery. It is identified by brightly painted and often very intricate designs. We went there to find water jugs to have in the dining room and on the terrace. We drove to the city and went straight to the center oftown expecting to see this everywhere. We found a small artisans market and a few things. We walked around the center square and noticed there werer more bees ther than we have ever seen any where…odd. I did an internet search on my phone and found out the town is known also for its exotic ice cream flavors. We then noticed all the ice cream vendors handing out tastes. Of course we had to taste. You would not need to buy an ice cream cone after tasting form everyone! There was lime, beer, tequila, whiskey, caramel, chili, mango, cheese, corn, cherries and pecans and pine nuts, and a lot we couldn’t understand. It was so much fun!! The last one is the one Heather got and also a lime one, Mark got chocolate, and another one with caramel and some strange fruit. Lynda had a cherry one with chocolate chips, mixed with a chocolate one, and a lime. The lime was amazing as was so many other flavors!
We were going to go back to the car and go somewhere else, but on a whim I asked someone where the artisans were and it turned out they were only 4 blocks away. So off we tread. The street was definitely under major construction. No problem, just wait for the grader to pass buy and you can walk right through the zone to cross the street, but don’t trip over the string lines to mark where they are laying new sidewalks. The artisans shops were interesting. Very small but crammed with stuff and great prices. Because of the construction, everything was covered in dust as the shops do not have doors, they are just open to the street. We picked up a few items and decided to head out. As we were leaving town we stopped into more pottery spots and picked up a few more items.
This pottery is going to add some color to our house and everything in it is white or black. So today I found 2 planter pots, a basket pot for a table, 2 large water holders with stands, one small bathroom water jug and a square plate. Heather found a few baking dishes for a friend. Success for all

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