Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Sunday August 2, 2010
Today we really took an adventure. We drove three hours towards Mexico City to a town called Teotihucan to visit the pyramids. It is believed that they were built in 600BC and at that time, the city was bigger than Rome with an estimated population of almost 200,000. But the population disappeared and the Aztecs later found the site. The Axtecs then believed the city was the city of the gods, due to the pyramids that were there. They believed that some of the structures were a burial site. Modern science had proved that the Aztecs were correct. The pyramid of the sun is the third largest pyramid in the world having nearly the same base dimensions and the Cyclops in Egypt, but not the same height or construction. This pyramid rises more than 20 stories high and is climbable.
WOW, says Heather. We were in awe over the site which has only been being uncovered since 1998, but small efforts had been being done throughout the 20th century. Two hundred and forty eight stairs, oh my gosh, to the top! And we climbed them all. What a gorgeous site from the top. There was amazing landscape and inexplicable site of the ruins.
Mark is sure the creators of Indiana Jones movies got their set designs by visiting this site. We spent all day wandering around, trying to figure out what some of the structures were, climbing, climbing and more climbing. We climbed the pyramid of the sun and the pyramid of the moon and several other littler things.
We touched 3000 year old paint and got the energy from touching the pinnacle of the pyramid of the sun. Heather knew a lot of the history of the people and area as she had taken a class at Geneseo about all of this. She was so excited that she got to see it. And we were glad we were able to take her there.
The drive was uneventful until coming home when we came across a road blockade made by many Federal police with machine guns and bullet proof vests. No problem, they asked where we were from and what we had been doing and waved us on. We think there were looking for drugs as we were so close to Mexico City and saw them searching vehicles that they had pulled over to the side of the highway. We drove through some of the most beautiful country side we had ever seen. Kind of gave me the feeling when we drove by some of the mountains out west, but we seemed to always be surrounded by mountains.
A lovely day had by all.

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